Our response to COVID-19

  • Dressing rooms will not be used. Students need to arrive with their uniform on and hair ready.
  • Face masks will be worn at all times. We will be following the CDC guidelines.
  • Drop off/Pick up will be done at the doors closer to the studio where your child will be dancing. Studio A (next to the lobby) will be near the patio and Studio B will be on the other side of the building, near Caliber Collision. When students are dropped off, they will walk directly towards their barre and wait there for the class to be started.
  • The lobby will not be used due to lack of space for social distancing. We ask that the parents wait in the car or outside. Questions or concerns with the instructor should be set up with an appointment or through email. The breaks in between classes are for sanitizing the room and making sure everyone is picked up. 
  • Bathrooms are available but will not be sanitized until after each class ends.
  • Please bring a water bottle as we try to limit the use of the water fountain.